Saturday, October 30, 2010

God or Nothing?

Pat Condell, in his own inimitable way, explains why not to believe in God doesn't mean that one must believe in nothing.


  1. Thank you Ken for this blog and your relentless pursuit of the truth.

    I am so sorry to hear of your death. Your commentary on the scriptures helped me tackle the issues surrounding my own de-conversion and I will always remember you as one of those rare people who understood this difficult time in my life even though we have never met.

    I wish your family the best as they grieve their loss.

    -- Robert

  2. Oh Cheryl--it was such a shock to hear.
    He was a helluva a guy, and thousands of us out here looked forward to his bluff honesty and thorough searching everyday.
    Our sense of loss can't compare to yours, but we do deeply sympathize, and hope you know you're not alone in your grief.

  3. Can atheists have saints? If so, perhaps Ken could be one. :P

  4. I'm in shock. Ken's blog was the first thing I read every single morning. He was so obviously a kind person. I will miss him and will always appreciate his manner and all the things I learned from his blog.

  5. I, too, am a frequent lurker. He will be missed.

  6. So sorry to hear this sad news.

  7. Very, very sad. A great loss. A gracious man.


    To be saved, you must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31).

    However, that's not all. Sacred Scripture clearly shows other things you must also do to be saved:

    You must endure to the end. Matthew 10:22, Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13.

    You must accept the Cross (suffering). Matthew 10:38, Matthew 16:24-25, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Luke 14:27.

    You must be baptized with water. Mark 16:16, Titus 3:5, I Peter 3:20-21.

    You must be a member in God's true church. Acts 2:47.

    You must confess your sins. James 5:16, I John 1:9.

    You must keep the Commandments of God. Matthew 5:19-20, Matthew 7:21.

    You must heed the words of St. Peter, the first Pope. Acts 11:13-14, Acts 15:7.

    You must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus Christ. John 6:51-58, I Corinthians 10:16, I Corinthians 11:23-29.

    Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to His call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life. CCC 1996, John 1:12-18, John 17:3, Romans 8:14-17, 2 Peter 1:3-4.

    The only Church that meets all the requirements of Salvation is the Holy Catholic Church.

    1. _*Michael Gormley*, ...-You're in error with many of the clarification in that the Scriptures [still] are "sealed" / * until end time * _ Daniel 12/4,[9].
      -After this message, please tell Me if you want to communicate with Me / Me to send other messages, ...

      _ 1 Corinthians 14/21, ...

      =*EU SINT m-a trimis la voi* _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012, sa [va] descoper Calea, Lumina si Adevarul -*Taina* _ Apocalipsa 1/1; 10/7, potrivit cu descoperirea tainei care a fost tinuta ascunsa timp de veacuri _ 1 Corinteni 2/7; _ Coloseni 1/26; _ Romania 16/25.

      = Eu sint aici, acum in timpul vostru, si [va] zic: -*Iata-Ma!* _ Isaia 52/6 -Moise; 65/1 -*Iata-Ma! Iata-Ma!*; _ Romania 10/20.

      =Scripturile au fost si au ramas “pecetluite” _ Daniel 12/4,[9], … *pana la Mine* _ Romania 5/14; _ Ioan 4/[25],26, ...inviat a treia zi _ 2 Petru 3/8, ...ridicat _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22, pentru implinirea Legii _ Romania 10/4, si Prorociilor _ Matei 5/17, prin *transfigurare* _ Matei 17/[1],2,3,[5], de aceea, ...[implicit neintelegerea *Cartii pecetluite* _ Dan.12/4,9], ...omenirea nu stie *pe cine sa astepte* _ Romania 10/14, …credinta venind in urma “auzirii” Cuvantului Meu _ Romania 10/17, pentru *Cine are urechi de auzit si aude* _ Matei 11/15; _ Luca 8/8; …dar, ...-Nu toti pot primi Cuvantul Acesta _ Matei 19/11; _ Luca 18/8, ...*vorbind in pilde* _ Matei 13/34,35; _ Ioan 1/1,5,11,14; 3/[14],16; 10/8,11,14,[16 - prin alte tari _ Romania 10/18].

      = Cu stima. -Mesia _ Eu, cel care vorbesc cu tine, sint Acela _ Ioan 4/[25],26, ...Cel fagaduit _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Romania 5/14; 10/14,17,[18,20]; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10,-[13]; 9/1,2,6; 52/6 _ Moise -*Iata-Ma!*; 65/1; _ Ioan 10/8,11,2012,13,14; 5/39; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012, ...-Va rog sa va treziti si sa cititi Cartea _ Daniel 12/4, ...-Se apropie dimineata _ Isaia 21/11,2012; -*Toate popoarele chemate* _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012.

  9. You have been trying to put life inside logic. But life has never been logical. Our selves are divided into a reasoning entity and an emotional entity. Don't be a Newton for the blade of grass. Instead of trying to make a logical world, we might as well tame our emotions.

  10. No, God doesn't need your help to save you.

    Baptists and evangelicals are correct: sinners MUST believe to be saved. But you will not find one passage of Scripture that states that the sinner must make a “decision” to believe. The sinner must believe, but it is God who makes the decision for him to believe.

    Acts 13:48 (ESV)
    48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.

    This passage of Scripture points out the great fallacy of (Arminian/Free Will) Baptist and evangelical theology: The sinner does not assist or even cooperate in his salvation. The sinner is a passive participant in his salvation. Yes, he believes, but he believes because he was appointed before the world existed to believe, not because HE makes a free will decision to do so.

    God chooses who will believe…the sinner chooses to reject Christ and send himself to hell. Christ died for all and desires all to be saved. God has predestined NO ONE to hell.

    The Arminians and the Calvinists are both wrong.

  11. You cannot turn-off the Light Upstairs simply cuzz you cannot turn-off God... unless you went to Hell.

    -blessed b9
    (another 1 of our abundant monikers)

    I hope THAT helps you, bud. I'd reeeeeelly hate to be in the Great Beyond without you.

    trustNjesus, dude.
    Meet me Upstairs.
    Let's getta Big-Ol beer...
    gotta lotta tok bout.
