Sunday, October 31, 2010


Short History of Halloween

What band is best suited for Halloween? Its got to be Kiss. In the 70's when I was a teenager, preachers were saying that KISS stood for Kings in Satan's Service.  Get over it, it just an act.

God of Thunder


  1. Ack, Ken! On this the holiest of holidays, I cheerfully came for insight; empty, I leave with nothing. RIP.

  2. This morning I peruse Ken's blog, link to Debunking Christianity, and find that the author of this very blog died yesterday.

    What a sad day. My condolences to his friends and family.

    What irony, too, for a new reader like me.


  3. "Kings in Satan's Service"?

    :: snorts ::

    Were these the same preachers who thought that Dungeons and Dragons was satanic and the peace symbol was an upside-down broken cross? Honestly, some people will see sinister forces anywhere.

  4. Dude... lissen to me; lissen to us. You yourself know for a fak, Jak, Hell exists, so why go there??? Save yourself. We have the solution...

    Haven't HERD 'bout the WARNING? Figures. The mainstream media won't touch it: if Orlando wasn't proof enough, dunno how to prove evil exists...

    The Warning from Almighty God WILL happen - dunno when - yet, it WILL effect the whole, wide, world precisely because Almighty God DOES NOT wanna lose any of us: we all sIn, capital I; God loves all of U.S... even Isis. But, yet, it's what WE MORTALS do with our lives that determines where: free-will. Why did sHe make us if He didn't love us? If you DON'T wanna be a part of His wild-Kingdome, child, He aint gonna force you. Remember? Up or down? Only 2 realms after our demise, dear, and 1 of em aint too cool?

    The Warning will be about 20ish minutes, showing a supremely ugly picture of Hell; Purgatory (state of waiting for those who died in a state of grace depending on how grave our sins); Seventh-Heaven where, for all those who repent in the ••SIX WEEKS!•• will git a chance to reside in His Kingdom...

    Yes, dear, the Warning shall effect this sinfull mortal, too, for I'm not unlike you; I'm a sinner: born when John Travolta and Abba had their debut. See if you can't connect the dots <-to-> Seventh-Heaven.

    Love you, girl.
    Pray for me.
    I'll pray for you.
    Meet me Upstairs.

    PS ---> ISLAM IS EVIL <---
    the only religion which explicitly DENIES Jesus' Divinity and, thus, a faith which breeds hatred, division, and antichrist. Exactly why the left loves Islam: they're lost... just like Islam.

  5. Dude... lissen to me; lissen to us. You yourself know for a fak, Jak, Hell exists, so why go there??? Save yourself. We have the solution...

    Haven't HERD 'bout the WARNING? Figures. The mainstream media won't touch it: if Orlando wasn't proof enough, dunno how to prove evil exists...

    The Warning from Almighty God WILL happen - dunno when - yet, it WILL effect the whole, wide, world precisely because Almighty God DOES NOT wanna lose any of us: we all sIn, capital I; God loves all of U.S... even Isis. But, yet, it's what WE MORTALS do with our lives that determines where: free-will. Why did sHe make us if He didn't love us? If you DON'T wanna be a part of His wild-Kingdome, child, He aint gonna force you. Remember? Up or down? Only 2 realms after our demise, dear, and 1 of em aint too cool?

    The Warning will be about 20ish minutes, showing a supremely ugly picture of Hell; Purgatory (state of waiting for those who died in a state of grace depending on how grave our sins); Seventh-Heaven where, for all those who repent in the ••SIX WEEKS!•• will git a chance to reside in His Kingdom...

    Yes, dear, the Warning shall effect this sinfull mortal, too, for I'm not unlike you; I'm a sinner: born when John Travolta and Abba had their debut. See if you can't connect the dots <-to-> Seventh-Heaven.

    Love you, girl.
    Pray for me.
    I'll pray for you.
    Meet me Upstairs.

    PS ---> ISLAM IS EVIL <---
    the only religion which explicitly DENIES Jesus' Divinity and, thus, a faith which breeds hatred, division, and antichrist. Exactly why the left loves Islam: they're lost... just like Islam.
